traveling to Arabia

You plan on travelling to Arabia ?
Learn the most important words in Arabic

Here you can find the translation of the 50 most important words and expressions into Arabic.
If you are about to travel to Arabia, this is exactly what you are looking for !

We will teach you:

.How to say Hello! and Goodbye in Arabic!
.To say please and thank you in Arabic!
.How to say yes and no in Arabic!
.How do you say “My name is ...” in Arabic?
.To translate “I'd like to pay, please.” into Arabic?
.What does “I don't speak Arabic” mean?
.Learn to count to ten in Arabic.


marḥaba Hello!

صباح الخير
ṣabāha l-ḫair Good morning! (sg/pl)

يوم سعيد
yawmun sa ʾīd Hello! (sg/pl)

مساء الخير
basāʾa l-ḫair Good evening! (sg/pl)
ليلة سعيدة
lailah saʿīdah Good night! (sg/pl)
مع السلامة
maʿa s-salamah Bye! (infml)
إلى اللقاء
ʾilā l-lāʾ Good bye! (fml.)


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