polish occupations to Arabic language.

 here is all the occupations:
doctor: طَبِيب 
nurse: مُمَرِّض
lawyer: مُحَامِي
manager: مُدِير
employee: مُوَظَّف
plumber: سَمْكَرِي - سَبَّاك
chef: طَبَّاخ
worker: عَامِل
counter: مُحَاسِب
driver: سَوَّاق- سَائِق
tailor: خَيَّاط
painter: رَسَّام
thief: حَرَامي - لِص
policeman: ضَابِط - شُرْطِي
solder: جُنْدِي
farmer: مُزَارِع
swimmer: سَبَّاح
singer: مُغَنِّي
salesman: بَائِع - بَيّاع
announcer: مُذِيع
fireman: إطْفَائِي
judge: قَاضِي
pilot: طَيَّار
secretary: سِكْرِتير
clown: مُهَرِّج
player: لاعِب
teacher: مُعَلِّم
barber: حَلاّق
author: مُؤَلَّف
photographer: مُصَوِّر

Remember that for female, use the same vocabularies with a Ta-Marbuta تاء مربوطة in the end
For example
طَبِيبَة - مُمَرِّضَة - مُحَامِيَة.....


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