Arabic, there are appropriate hellos for the morning, evening, and night.

  • “Good morning!”
  • ṣabāḥu al-ḫayr
    صَباحُ الخَيْر
  • “Good evening!”
    masāʾu al-ḫayr
    مَساءُ الخَيْر
  • “Good night!”
    laylah saʿīdah
    لَيْلَة سَعيدَة
“Excuse me. Could you tell me…”
raǧāʾ, hal yumkinuka ʾiḫbārī…
رَجاء, هَل يُمكِنُكَ إخباري…

And when you’ve finished what you need to do, it’s time to take your leave.

  • Goodbye!
    ʾilā al-liqāʾ
    إلى اللِقاء
  • “Thank you very much!”
    šukran ǧazīlan!
    !شُكراً جَزيلاً
  • “No problem!”
    lā muškilah
    لا مُشكِلَة


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