Residents of other emirates arriving at Dubai airport should get prior permission from ICA


Dubai: The Indian Consulate in Dubai has informed that the residency visa holders of other emirates arriving at Dubai international airport should obtain entry permission from the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) prior to their journey.

The consulate directed in this regard after about 300 Indians got stuck in the Dubai airport without knowing the new guidelines issued by the UAE. The consulate took to Twitter to share the information. Many people were trapped in different terminals of the airport as they could not complete the procedures.

Later, they were granted permission after the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) officials intervened. They could return to their place of accommodation safely, the consulate authorities informed. Bus was arranged for those who arrived in Fly Dubai flights.

Dubai residents can obtain permission from GDRFA in advance to arrive at Dubai airport. Those who hold residency visa of other emirates need to obtain entry permission in advance from ICA if they are arriving at Dubai airport. The consulate authorities tweeted that all passengers should take note of the changes made in travel guidelines.


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